Have you realized that you have a crush on a friend of yours, and need to know what to do? Can you move out of the friend zone and become a couple? Are you anxious about trying to make a move from friendship to a romantic relationship? It can be very scary when you realize you have a crush on a friend, but here are a few tips to help you proceed.
Step 1 - Think it through.
If you want to move out of the friend zone with someone that you have been close to, you need to treat this as a very serious step. There is plenty of advice out there that will tell you that the best way to start a relationship is to become friends first. However, if you have found yourself in the position of wanting more from a friend, you know that there is plenty of difficulty in this area. You need to make sure that this is not just a passing infatuation before you risk your friendship.
Step 2 - Look for signs.
If you have been on a basis of strict friendship with someone for any decent length of time, then your love interest might not think of you in any other way. There is a real risk of rejection here. Try to determine whether there have been any signs of romantic interest, without just seeing what you want to see. Do your best to gauge your real chances of making a romance happen.
Step 3 - Come clean.
If a bit of flirting isn't enough to change the dynamic between you, you are going to have to gather your courage and tell your friend how you really feel. If you have a crush on a friend, you will probably simply confuse that person if you start behaving differently. You owe it to your friend to talk openly, so try to find a time and simply come clean about wanting more.
Step 4 - Give it some time.
Once you tell your friend how you feel, you might need to then stay away from that person for a while. Unless this person has felt the same way, they will need time to adjust to this new idea. So be willing to give your friend some space before giving you an answer. When you have a crush on a friend, you should take things slowly and hope for the best.
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