Here is a very important rule when
you’re saying “sorry” to a woman:
Do apologize and admit that you have
done wrong, but do not try to beg for her
Why not? Because most of the time,
begging for forgiveness will only make things
Initially, there will be a natural
human response from the woman to go on a small
power trip and see how much you will beg – even
if it’s to “teach you a small lesson.” But as
your keep on begging, her romantic respect for
you will drop and she may start believing that
she “should” be “very” mad at you.
Furthermore, each time you beg, you’re
drawing attention to the fact that you have done
her wrong, and that’s not going to help you
Lastly, begging can get annoying really
quick. And when a person is already mad at you,
the last thing you want to do is to annoy them
So instead of begging for forgiveness,
just apologize once, admit you’re the one at
fault, and promise to never do it again. Then
back off and give the woman so time to cool off.
After she has cooled off a bit, use rapport
resumption to act like nothing ever went wrong.
This is to draw attention away from the incident!
Finally, take her out on a great date
and act extra romantic.
When you see her smile, it means you
have been forgiven!
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